Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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MDIR - Memory resident DIRectory
MDIR is a small (assembly language based) memory resident routine
that will display directory entries. MDIR gives both an
"automatic" mode, where the current directory is shown sorted
alphabetically, and a "command line" mode, where MDIR will
"screen" files (like the DOS DIR command does), and display the
file list with your choice of sort mechanism (by date/time, name,
extension, unsorted).
This routine takes about 14k of memory when installed, and can
make use of a second screen (if you have both monochrome and
color/graphics installed).
This routine will put the directory on the "alternate" screen if
two monitors are available.
causes MDIR to install itself in memory.
The 2 indicates that both a color and a monochrome monitor are
available on the system. (MDIR does NOT check to see if the
second monitor is actually installed.) If you tell the routine
that both monitors are available, the directory will be printed
to the monitor that is NOT currently being used.
If only ONE monitor is installed, or if MDIR is executed without
the '2' on the command line, then the directory will be shown on
the monitor that is currently being used. If this is the case,
MDIR will "save" the screen currently being used, and restore it
when done.
To use MDIR once it has been installed, it is activated by
pressing either the <Alt><8> or the <Alt><9> key combinations
together (where the number keys are those above the alpha keys on
the keyboard, NOT the ones from the numeric keypad).
If you press the <Alt><8> keys, the directory will be displayed
in alphabetical order. If you press <Alt><9>, MDIR will prompt
you for a "command line" to be used. The command line can
duplicate a command given to the DOS DIR command. For example:
[assume the <Alt><9> keys have been pressed together]
MDIR prompt your response results
╔════════════╧═════════════╗ ╔═════════╧══════════╗ ╔═════════╧══════════╗
command line (/H for help): *.* all files in the current
\masm\files all files in the sub-
directory named
*.pas any file in the current
directory with the
extension .PAS
\masm\files\*.arc any file in the sub-
directory named
\masm\files with the
extension .ARC
b:*.* all files in the
current directory
on drive B:
In addition, there are several options, detailed below, that are
triggered by the / switch. /H given at the command line will list
the options.
[options] * /A - List hidden files.
* /W - wait when screen full.
* /R - Include directory entries.
* /M - Display Modified entries only.
/X - Sort by extension.
/S - Sort by size.
/D - Sort by date/time.
/N - Do not sort, original order.
/H - Help - only display options.
Default = *.* sorted by name.ext with screen erase.
* - Option may be combined with other options.
1. Because MDIR reads information from the disk, avoid
"triggering" this utility when an operating program
is working with the disks -- results can be
unpredictable (and fatal).
2. The code is set up to prevent MDIR from being triggered twice
in a row -- a key other than the "trigger" keys must be pressed
between uses.
3. MDIR currently saves space for 256 directory entries. If you
need more space, please adjust the source code.
4. MDIR does its best to trap floppy disk errors -- such as an open
door on a floppy disk drive. MDIR does NOT check to see if a
hard drive is ready.
5. Some software saves information in the alternate pages of
the video memory IF you are using a color/graphics adaptor
(PC-Write, for example, stores its help screens in the memory
of the other c/g pages). MDIR only saves the current video
page, so you can scramble help screens when MDIR switches
6. MDIR doesn't check if a drive has been ASSIGNed. If you
request a directory for drive B:, MDIR will look for physical
drive B:.
I've used this routine with a variety of software, including:
Lotus' 123
TURBO Pascal
Source code (with its origins mentioned) is included in this archive.
Please do with it what you will to tweek it to your system/preferences.
Please let me know about any bugs/comments that you have via
Gene Plantz' IBBS, 312-882-4227.
Mike Pechnyo